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Frequently Asked Questions

Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through a broad array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. Eighty-two cents of every dollar spent is used to support those services in 5,000 communities nationwide.

Q. What is the role of The Salvation Army in Alaska?

A. Since 1898, when The Salvation Army began its social service work in Alaska, the organization has grown into one of the largest social service providers in the state, providing a wide array of services--from spiritual aid and family emergency assistance to senior services and youth programs.

Q. Where is The Salvation Army in Alaska and what communities do you serve?

A. The Salvation Army serves 18 communities in Alaska: Anchorage, Angoon, Bethel, Cordova, Fairbanks, Haines, Homer, Hoonah, Juneau, Kake, the Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan, Klawock, Kodiak, the Mat-Su Valley, Petersburg, Sitka, and Wrangell.

Q. What services does The Salvation Army provide in my community?

A. Services offered vary by community. To learn what services are currently offered in your community, contact your local community corps office.

Q. What other programs are offered by The Salvation Army Alaska?

A. In addition to community corps programs offered in every community we serve, The Salvation Army operates the following programs in Anchorage:

  • Adult Rehabilitation Center - Housing, counseling, life skills education, spiritual development and work therapy for men who are struggling to overcome substance abuse.

  • Clitheroe Center - Residential and outpatient addiction treatment facility. 

  • McKinnell House and Family Emergency Services - 16-room emergency family shelter, case management, and food pantry.

  • Older Alaskans Program - Meals, transportation and light housekeeping for elders and the disabled.

  • Serendipity Adult Day Services - Safe, stimulating care five days a week for adults with dementia and other cognitive disorders.

Q. How can I support The Salvation Army?

A. There are many ways you can provide support The Salvation Army in Alaska. Please visit our "Ways to Give" page for information about making a cash or in-kind donation and to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Q. Where can I donate clothing and other household items to The Salvation Army?

A. Your donations of household goods are welcome at any of our Family Stores. In the Anchorage area, donated goods are sold to operate our Adult Rehabilitation Center for men in recovery. Outside the Anchorage area, sales from the Family Stores support local Salvation Army programs, which may include food pantries, clothing assistance and more. Contact your local Salvation Army for specific information and donation hours.

Q. Do I have to join The Salvation Army to receive assistance?
A. No. The Salvation Army provides services to anyone in need, without discrimination. Although everyone is welcome to participate in our religious services, such participation or membership is not required to receive services.

Q. Why does The Salvation Army have a uniform?

A. The Salvation Army uniform is an expression, or witness, of our faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to establishing membership in The Salvation Army church.  Please contact The Salvation Army in your community to meet with a Corps Officer for more information.

Q. Is The Salvation Army a church?

A. The Salvation Army's mission statement clearly states that we are part of the universal Christian Church. Our faith is what compels us to serve the needs of others through our social service ministry. 

Q. Where can I find a current copy of The Salvation Army annual report?

A. Financial information, fiscal year highlights, our vision, a downloadable PDF and more, are available in our National Annual Report. You can also view our Local Annual Report here.

Still have questions? For more information, please contact Thomas Brown, the Communications Manager, at (907) 339-3433 or